Thanks to a generous donation from the Mike and Lynn Coatney Family Foundation,
any donation made will be matched up to $150,000!
Bring dignity to double the number girls and women of the United States and Ethiopia.
Great News! We are thrilled to share that Dignity Period operations are resuming in northern Ethiopia. Schools are starting to re-open, supplies are coming in, and
the Mariam Seba Sanitary Products

Factory has restarted production of reusable period supplies. This is a significant milestone marking the end of our first Decade of Dignity.
“We made great strides in Ethiopia when the program was running,” said co-founder Dr. Lewis Wall. “There is a much greater awareness of the issue. Girls' school absences decreased by 24% compared with boys while the program was running. And long-standing myths about menstruation have been debunked. We’ve seen progress and believe we can recoup that progress over the coming years.”

In this month of gratitude, we are so grateful for the ongoing support of The Links chapters in and around St. Louis. The Links is one of the nation’s oldest and largest volunteer service organizations committed to enriching, sustaining, and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African Americans and other people of African ancestry in the US and internationally. Through their own Walk for Healthy Living, they raised funds and surprised us with a $1,500 check! We are so grateful for your partnership in providing dignity for women and girls.

Look for your invite in early January!